Book Chapters

2012. “Look Before You Leap:  Louisville Merger and its Aftermath” in Government, Politics, and Policymaking in Kentucky edited by James Clinger (University Press of Kentucky, forthcoming) with Ronald K. Vogel and Lucas Elliott

2012. “Urban Violence in the United States and France:  Comparing Los Angeles and Paris” in The Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics, edited by Karen Mossberger, Peter John and Susan Clarke (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) (with Sophie Body Gendrot) 

2010. “Vulnerable Cities” in Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Terrorism (Beacham Publishing, Osprey, Florida)

2009. “Louisville Transformed But Hardly Changed: A Survey of a City Before and After Merger” in Who Will Govern Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century? Edited by Donald Phares, (M.E Sharpe, 2009) (with Ronald K. Vogel and Lin Ye) pp. 169-184

2009. “Regionalism and Urban Politics” in Theories of Urban Politics, 2nd Edition, edited by Jonathan Davies and David Imbroscio (Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California)  (with Ronald K. Vogel) pp. 106-124

2006. “Local and Regional Governance: Rescaling the city” in Metropolitan Governing: Canadian Cases, Comparative Lessons edited by Eran Razin and Patrick Smith (Magnes Press, Jerusalem, Israel) (with Ronald K. Vogel) pp.214-245

         2006. “L’hyperpluralisme revisité : la poursuite de la fragmentation des villes aux  
        Etats-Unis” in Les Métropoles Au Défi De La Diversité Culturelle, Edited by Bernard  Jouve and Alain G. Gagnon (Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Grenoble)  (with Ronald  K. Vogel)

 2005. “The United States: Executive Centered Politics” in Comparing Local Governance: Trends and Developments, edited by S.A.H. Denters and L.E. Rose (Palgrave Publishers, New York, N.Y.). (with Ronald K. Vogel) pp. 211-227

2004. “Louisville and Jefferson County: Merger in Louisville” in Case Studies in City County Consolidation: Reshaping the local government landscape, edited by Suzanne Leland and Kurt Thurmaier (New York: M.E. Sharpe) (with Ronald K. Vogel)

2002. “Encourage then Cope: Washington and the Sprawl Machine” in Urban Sprawl: Cause, consequences & policy responses edited by Gregory Squires (The Urban Institute Press, Washington, D.C.) pp. 141-164

2002. "Introduction:  Globalism and Local Democracy" with Robin Hambleton and Murray Stewart in Globalism and Local Democracy: Challenge and Change in Europe and North America (Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, United Kingdom) edited with Robin Hambleton and Murray Stewart pp.1-18

2002. "The Globalization Process" in Globalism and Local Democracy: Challenge and Change in Europe and North America (Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, United Kingdom) edited with Robin Hambleton and Murray Stewart pp.19-29

2000. “Cities and Security: Toward A Framework for Assessing Urban Risk” in Urbanization, Population, Environment and Security (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C.) edited by Christina Rosan, Blair Ruble and Joseph Tulchin pp.14-18

2000. "The Transformation of American Cities", with Kevin DuPont and Elysium Drumm, in Urban Democracy (Lesske and Budrich, Hembsbach, Germany) edited Oscar Gabriel, Vincent Hoffman Martinot and H.V. Savitch (translated and revised)

1999. “La Transformation des Villes Américaines” in Démocraties Urbaines (Paris, France 1999) edited by Oscar Gabriel and Vincent Hoffman-Martinot

1999. “Défi Mondiale et Pouvoir Institutionnel: Comment Redéfinir Les Administrations Locales Pour Le Siècle Prochain” in Quels Partenariat Pour La Ville (UNESCO, Paris, France) edited by Vincent Hoffmann Martinot and Leszek Kosinski (reprinted)

1998. “Progressive Versus Growth Centered Cities in North America and Western Europe” in Des Modèles En Question: Ville,Culture Citoyenneté en Amérique du Nord (Presse Université de Lille) edited by Catherine Pouzoulet and Jacques Portes

1998. “Les Défis du Gouvernement Urbaine Pour le Siècle Prochaine” in Politiques Locales et Transformations de l’Action Publique En Europe (Centre de Recherche sur La Politique, l’Administration, la Ville et le Territoire, de l’Institut d’Étude Politique de Grenoble) Rédacteurs, Richard Balme, Alain Faure et Albert Mabileau

1998. “The Ecology of Public-Private Partnerships: Europe” in Partnerships in Urban Governance: European and American Experiences (Macmillan Publishers, 1998) edited by Jon Pierre pp. 175-186

1997. “Central Cities and Suburbs: Fusion or Illusion” with Doug Adams in Handbook of Research on Urban Politics and Policy (Greenwood Press, 1997) edited by Ronald Vogel pp. 170-184

1996. “The Changing Landscape of Big City Management” in Handbook of Local Government Administration with William Tharp (Marcel Dekker, 1996) edited by John Gargan pp. 387-402

1996. “Cities in a Global Era: A New Paradigm for the Next Millenium” in Preparing for the Urban Future: Global Pressures and Local Forces (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1996) edited by Michael Cohen et al.

1996. “Introduction: Regional Patterns in a Post-City Age” with Ronald Vogel in Regional Politics: America in A Post City Age (Sage Publications, 1996) edited by H.V. Savitch and Ronald Vogel pp. 1-22

1996. “Perspectives for the Present and Lessons For The Future” with Ronald Vogel in Regional Politics: America in A Post City Age (Sage Publications) edited by H.V. Savitch and Ronald Vogel pp. 275-302

1996. “Louisville — Compacts and Antagonistic Cooperation” with Ronald Vogel in Regional Politics: America in A Post City Age (Sage Publications, 1996) edited by H.V. Savitch and Ronald Vogel pp. 130-158

1991. “The Regional City and Public Partnerships”, with David Collins, et al. In the National Interest (Twentieth Century Foundation), edited by Ronald Berkman, et al. pp. 65-77

1991. “Post Industrialism with a Difference” in Beyond City Limits: Urban policy and economic restructuring in comparative perspective (Temple University, 1991) edited by John Logan and Todd Swanstrom pp. 150-173

1991. “Introduction:  Big City Politics, Then and Now” with John Thomas in Big City Politics In Transition (Sage Publications) edited by H.V. Savitch and John Thomas pp. 1-13

1991. “Conclusion:  End of the Millennium Big City Politics” with John Thomas in Big City Politics In Transition (Sage Publications) edited by H.V. Savitch and John Thomas pp. 235-251

1990. “The Federal Impact on City Politics,” in Urban Politics, New York Style (M. E. Sharpe) edited by Dick Netzer and Jewell Bellush pp. 245-267

1985. “Boom and Bust in the New York Region: Implications for Government Policy,” in Economic Prospects for the Northeast (Temple University Press) edited by Harry Richardson and Joseph Turek

1975. “The Politics of Deprivation and Response,” in Racism and Inequality: The Policy Alternatives (W. H. Freeman and Company) edited by Harrell Rodgers pp. 5-36