Selected Conference Papers, Occasional Papers & Presentations

2013.  Presenter. “Fragmented Regionalism: Why Metropolitan America Continues to Splinter” Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California March 3-6 with Sarin Adhikari.

2102.  Presenter.  “New State Spaces:  Globalization and the Politics of Rescaling”  Governing the Metropolis.  City Hall of Paris.  November 28-30th.  Paris, France

2012.  Invited Speaker.  Public choice Theory and Its Consequences for Hong Kong”  Department of Politics and Public Administration”.  University of Hong Kong.  Hong Kong, China.  October 11-13.

2012.  Invited Speaker.  “Are Chinese Cities Exceptional”  International Conferehnce on Governance Issue is Magacities” Chinese Academy of of Social Sciences, The Beijing University of Technology and the University of Zurich. Beijing, China, October 9-10

2011. Keynote Speaker. “Territory and Power: Rescaling for a Global Era”, The International Conference on Regional Development in the 21st Century. Sun Yat Sen University, School of Government, Guangzhou, China. December 12-18. 

2011.  Invited Speaker. “Governability in Four Megacities:  London, New York, Paris and Tokyo”, Workshop on Governance in Megacities.  University of Zurich,   Center on Comparative and International Studies Zurich Switzerland, August 22-24.   

2011. Invited Speaker.  “The Promise and Effects of Economic Development Strategies ”, Conference on Innovation, Growth and Public Policy.  University of Cincinnati, Real Estate Center, September 30.

2011. Featured Speaker.  “Planning and Power”, Colloquium, University of Kentucky, Department of Geography. Lexington, Kentucky. November 4.  

2011. Invited Speaker. “Metropolitan Governance:  A Framework and Survey of Applications”,  Conference on Regional Governance, University of Victoria, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, May 27-28.

2010. Panel Presentation.  “Struggling Giants and Globalization: New York, London and Paris”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2-5, Washington D.C

2010. Presenter. “Territory and Agenda”, Workshop on Comparative Urban Research”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2-5, Washington D.C   

2010. Featured Speaker.  “Territorio y Poder:  Planificación y Los Desafíos de La Globalización”, Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, January 14.

2010. Featured Speaker. “Territory and Power: Planning and the Challenges of Globalization”, University of California, Irvine, Department of Planning, Policy and Design. Irvine, California, January 5.

2009. Invited Speaker. “Universities and their Environments: Comparative Perspectives”, Woodrow Wilson Center International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C. December 16.

2009. Keynote Speaker. “Conditions for Creative Public Management”, Seoul International Conference on Creativity, Seoul, South Korea, August 12.

2009. Panel Presentation & Moderator. “What Makes a Great City Great? An American Perspective”, Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, March 4-7.

2008. Keynote Speaker. “What Makes a City Great?”,  Managing World Cities Conference, Sponsored by Kings College (University of London) University of Hong Kong and New York University. October 23-25.  Hong Kong SAR, China

2008. Invited Speaker. “Urban Competition and Transformation in a Globalized World”, University of Hong Kong”, June 2-4. Hong Kong SAR, China

2008. Panel Presentation. “Regionalism, Paradigms and Urban Politics”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, August 28-September 31, Boston, Massachusetts   

2008. Panel Presentation & Chair. “Can We Contain Regions”, with Jeff Osgood and Ismaila Odgoba. New Approaches to Regionalism. Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, April 23-26.

2007. Paper Presentation. “Reorganizing the Metropolis: City County Consolidation”, with Ronald K. Vogel and Lin Yi, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, August 30-September 2, Chicago, Illinois

2007. Invited Speaker. “Cities and Suburbs in Comparative Perspective”, Comparative Urban Politics Group, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, August 30-September 2, Chicago, Illinois.

2007. Paper Presentation. “Excavating Results from City County Consolidation:
The Issue of Economic Development”, Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, April 25-28.

2007. Featured Speaker. “La Métropolisation: Regards Internationaux Croises Avec L’Ille de France”, Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris France, March, 13.

2006. Paper Presentation. “Urban Terrorism and the Fear Factor”, British International Studies Association, Conference on London in a Time of Terror, London United Kingdom, December 8.

2003. Discussant. “Theme Panel: Bleaching New Orleans”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 28-31.

2006. Featured Speaker. “Le Nouveaux enjeux Urbains: Une Question d’echelle”, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique”,  Montreal, Canada, May 11-12. 

2006. Invited Speaker. “Louisville’s Merger:  An Initial Assessment”, Conference on Governance versus Government, University of Missouri at St.Louis, June 16-17 (with Ron Vogel)

2005. Invited Commentator. “Urban Society and Dominant political Coalitions in the Internationalization of Cities”, by Bernard Jouve, Cities as International and Transnational Actors, European Science Foundation, December 10  

2005. Paper Presentation. “Terror, Barriers and the Changing Topography of Jerusalem”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. August 31-September 4.

2005. Keynote Speaker. “Globalization, Choice and Urban Rescaling”, International Conference for Urban Knowledge and Practice” Gothenburg Sweden, May 30-June 4.

2005. Panel Moderator. “Political Rescaling Through Amalgamation”, Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Salt lake City Utah, April 13-16.

2004. Invited Speaker. “Urban Terror:  London, Istanbul, Moscow and Jerusalem”, University of Haifa, National Security Studies Center, Haifa, Israel May 12.

2004. Paper Presentation. “Globalization, Choice and the New Regionalism”, Workshop on Globalization and Cities, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 1-5, Chicago, Illinois.

2004. Invited Speaker. “Responding to the Geography of Urban Terror”, Thomas J. Anton/Frederick Lippitt Conference on Homeland Security in Urban America, Brown University, Taubman Center for Public Policy, Providence, Rhode Island, September 24.

2004. Invited Speaker. “Une Analyse des Coûts et des Bénéfices de la Nouvelle Régionalisme“, XVII Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada, Octobre 7-8.

2004. Paper Presentation. “An Anatomy of Urban Terror: Lessons from Jerusalem”, Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. March, 31-April 3.
2003. Invited Speaker. “Assessing the Impact of City County Consolidation”, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, October 9.

2003. Featured Speaker. “Urban Development, Pressure Politics and Human Well Being”, New York Academy of Medicine, Conference on Health and the Built Environment, New York, March, 25.

2003. Featured Speaker. “Le Nouvelle Régionalisme; Problématique et Démarche”, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Aix en Provence, France. March, 9.

2002. Invited Presentation. “A Paradigm and Probe Of Urban Terror”, Cities as Strategic Sites Conference, Center for Sustainable Urban & Regional Futures, Manchester, United Kingdom, November 6-9.

2002. Paper Presentation. “Can Cities Choose Their Future”, American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 29-September, 1.

2002. Invited Presentation. “Contending Development Strategies in New York and Paris: 1970-2000”, Conference on New York and Paris sponsored by the Centers for European Studies, New York University and Columbia University, New York City, April.

2001. Paper Presentation. “Strategies for the International Marketplace: Results in Ten North American and Western European Cities, 1970-2000”, European Urban Research Association, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 17-19 with Paul Kantor.

2001. Invited Presentation. “Spatial Segregation and Collective Violence: Testing Propositions in Los Angeles, Liverpool and Marseilles”. Co sponsored by New York University and Columbia University. Centers for European Studies. April 19-21 with Greg Ardashev

2001. Paper Presentation. “Strategic Approaches to Urban Economic Development”, American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, August 20-September 1.

2001. Invited Presentation. “Global Pressure/Local Response: New Regionalism in France and Its Applications“, Marseilles, France, Mediterranean House of Human Sciences, October.

2000. Panel Participant. “Revitalizing the Inner City:  The Louisville Enterprise Community Grant”, with Ronald K. Vogel. American Political Science Association, 96th, August 31-September 3.

2000. Paper Presentation. “Globalization and Regionalism: Rescaling the City Up or Down”, International Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada, August 1-5.

2000. Paper Presentation. “Convergence Theory and Urban Development: Testing Results From North America and Western Europe”, with Paul Kantor. Urban Affairs Association, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, May 3-7.

1999. Featured Speaker. "Dreams and Realities: Coping with Urban Sprawl in Contemporary America", University of Virginia, School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 15-16.

1999. Invited Speaker. "Cities and Security: A Risk Factor Approach", Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., June 3.

1998. Invited Commentator. “Urban Suburban Interdependence, New Directions for Research and Policy”, University of Illinois at Chicago, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and The Brookings Institution, Chicago, Illinois, September 24-25.

1998. Invited Speaker. “Urban Restructuring and Local Democracy: Lessons from North America and Western Europe”, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Athens, September 16-18.

1998. Featured Speaker. “Comparing Cities Under Global Pressures”, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Center for Urban Studies, May 12. 

1997. Paper Presentation. “Défi Mondiale et Pouvoir Institutionnel: Comment Redéfinir Les Administrations Locales Pour Le Siècle Prochain”, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, France, November 24-25.

1997. Featured Speaker. “The Urban Future”, U.S. State Department/Central Intelligence Agency, Working Group on Russia’s Future: A Regional Perspective, Meridian International Center, White-Meyer House, Washington D.C., October, 9.

1997. Featured Speaker: “Globalization and the Future of Urban Development”, Colloquium, University of Cincinnati, Department of Geography, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 9.

1997. Featured Speaker.  “Small Ships in a Global Sea: Local Democracy in a Turbulent Age” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., February 14.

1996. Invited Commentator. Conference on Local Government and Democracy, University of Heidleberg, Institute for Political Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, March 28-30.

1996. Invited Commentator. Preparatory Meeting for Habitat II, The United Nations, “Preparing For the Urban Future” February 15.

1995. Invited Speaker. “The Enduring Tension: Global Change, Strategic Choice and Urban Autonomy”, with Paul Kantor in Cities and the New Global Order, Volume 3, The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Australian Government, Commonwealth of Australia.

1995. Invited Speaker. “Villes, Citoyenneté,Culture: Des Modèles En Question”, Études Lilloises sur l'Amérique du Nord, Embassies of the United States and Canada, Université Charles De Gaulle, Lille France, October 13–14.

1995. Invited Presentation. Working Group on Changes in the Urban Landscape: From Habitat I to Habitat II. Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C.  June, 2.

1995. Featured Speaker. “Nouveaux Enjeux Urbain” Société d'Etudes Nord-Américaines, Paris France, May, 18.

1995. Colloquy Speaker. “Banfield's Unheavely City--Redemption or Eternal Damnation”, Urban Affairs Association, Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 3-6.

1994. Invited Speaker. “Economics of Regionalism”, Social Science Research Council and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington D.C., December 9.

1994. Invited Presentation. “Regional Patterns/Regional Organization”, with Ronald Vogel in Round Tables on Regionalism, Commissioned Papers, Social Science Research Council and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, December 8–9.

1994. Invited Speaker. “Public Affairs and Management for the 21st Century”, The Inaugural Conference of the School of Public Affairs, Baruch College, The City University of New York, December 1–3.

1994. Invited Speaker. “The Enduring Tension: Global Change, Strategic Choice and Urban Autonomy”, The Joint Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Australian Government Conference.  Melbourne Australia, November 20–23.

1994. Invited Presentation. “City Business:  An International Perspective on Market Place Politics”, with Paul Kantor. Shaping the Urban Future: International Perspectives and Exchanges.  School for Advanced Urban Studies.  University of Bristol, United Kingdom, July 10–13.

1994. Invited Speaker. “Metropolitan Government and Economic Development”, North American Institute for Comparative Urban Research, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, June 16–18.

1994. Featured Speaker. “Comparative Urban Politics in the Global Market”, New York University Center for European Studies. Sponsored by the Humanities Council Research Colloquium on Western European Politics and Society and the Department of Politics, New York, N.Y.  February 24.

1993. Featured Speaker. “Urban Mobilization of Private Capital: A Cross National Comparison”, with Paul Kantor. Occasional Paper Series, Comparative Urban Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC.

1992. Featured Speaker. “Cities In The Global Market Place”, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., Summer.

1992. Invited Speaker. “Historical Urban Development and Socio Cultural Policy”, Institute for Cultural Research, Moscow, Russian Republic, August 25–29.

1992. Paper Presentation. “Can Politicians Bargain With Business: A Theoretical and Comparative Perspective”, with Paul Kantor, International Sociological Association, Research Committee 21, Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, UCLA, Los Angles, California, April 23–25.

1983. Paper Presentation. “Geopolitical Planning for a Post Industrial Society: The Case of Paris”,  Annual Conference of the American Planning Association, Seattle, Washington,  April.

1982. Invited Presentation. “Boom and Decline in the Central Core of Large Cities”, Annual Conference for Conversations in the Disciplines, SUNY, Albany, New York, April.

1982. Featured Speaker. “Politics, Planning and Demographics in London, Paris and New York:  A Comparative Approach”, Conference of the Greater London Group, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom, February 1.

1979. Featured Speaker. “Needed: An Antidote to America's Health Ills”, Proceedings of Mid Hudson Pattern.  New York State Council for the Humanities, Purchase, New York, October 26.

1979. Featured Speaker. “The New Town in Town: Success and Failures of Roosevelt Island”,  Polytechnic Institute of Warsaw, Warsaw Poland, July.